Have you ever had a long, hard day and all you want to do is be able to go home, relax and get some rest? However, you know that can't happen because you still have a list of things to do and responsibilities to take care of when you get home. Then, at the end of the day, after you've done all you could, you start to feel guilty or feel bad about the things you didn't get around to doing. Like, that errand you forgot to run, or for making you or your family a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner when you "should've" made them a hot or healthy meal. You did all that you had the energy or time to do, and gave all that you had the energy or time to give. Yet still, you feel bad about not doing more. Well, this poem is for you. Be encouraged and give yourself credit for what's been done. This poem is called "Guilty Mother's" but this is also for ANY Parent, Teacher, Worker, Person going through depression, and ANYONE and EVERYONE who can relate. I present to you Guilty Mothers:

Here are the video links, and you can also read below:

Guilty Mothers -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwc7hQYYIsk

Never Saw You - https://youtu.be/JNaMZ97j9qs

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